Cross County Trail Before and After
2008 - 2009 Paving Project
Downstream from Lake Accotink

In May 2008, the Fairfax County Park Authority began construction of asphalt trail along Accotink Creek downstream from Lake Accotink to Hunter Village Drive. Eighty percent funded by the Federal Highway Administration, the $2.25 million project more closely resembled road-building than trail-building. The asphalt is eight feet wide, with two more feet of gravel shoulder on each side. There are three bridges across Accotink Creek and 15 - 20 culverts over tributaries.

Built entirely in the Accotink Creek floodplain, and in some spots right on the banks of the creek, the trail was inundated during construction and flood damage began to the finished trail as soon as it was completed.

This site documents the damage done to the habitat without any mitigation at all. Construction was completed by May, 2009.

Description & Photos:

Contact Friends of Accotink Creek, E-mail.