Cross County Trail Before and After
2008 - 2009 Paving Project
Downstream from Lake Accotink


On April 29, 2008, I walked the path of the soon-to-be-paved Cross County Trail (CCT) from Hunter Village Drive north to the Lake Accotink Park dam. Bulldozers and dump trucks will soon follow, laying asphalt and cutting down trees that dare stand in or even near their way.

The paving path supposedly follows existing trail or sewer cuts between Old Keene Mill Road and the dam. At least there is a corridor here already cleared of trees about fifteen feet wide; although it is certain many more trees will be taken for the convenience of construction.

Passing through Byron Avenue Park, the asphalt is inexplicably going to be squeezed into a narrow corridor between the baseball diamonds and the creek, necessitating cutting down much of what little streamside buffer now exists. The path could easily have swung through the parking lot here, saving money, materials, and habitat.

The segment connecting to Hunter Village Drive will equally inexplicably be plowed through woods even though alternate cleared corridors along sewer and gas lines exist just a few dozen yards away.

Wildflowers I noticed in the path of destruction included Virginia bluebells, mayapple, violets, spring beauty, trout lilies, bloodroots, wild ginger, cucumber root, and more.

Here are the "Before" photos. The photos proceed from south to north (upstream) and are taken facing northward on the trail. The "During" and "After" photos will follow as construction/destruction proceeds.

Where the damage will be done

CCT meets paving path along Hunter Village Dr

The route not taken. An alternate path already cleared of trees following gas line cut from Hunter Village Dr.

Expected path of paving from Hunter Village Dr

Mayapples, goodbye!

South bridge site

Paving path joins sewer cut above south bridge site

Concreted crossing of tributary below Old Keene Mill Rd

Old Keene Mill Rd underpass

Paving path along maintenance road below Byron Ave Park

How will they squeeze the CCT between baseball diamonds and creek?

Paving path behind Byron Ave Park baseball diamonds

Current CCT route through parking lot looking upstream from Byron Ave Park

Current CCT route reconverges with paving path exiting Byron Ave Park

CCT above Byron Ave Park

CCT crosses water main

Path of paving diverges from current CCT route

Path of paving follows sewer cut

Paving path along sewer cut below middle bridge location

Middle bridge site

Paving path above middle bridge site

Paving path upstream from middle bridge site

Paving path below north bridge site

North bridge site

Paving path and CCT reconverge

CCT above north bridge site

CCT crosses tributary above north bridge site

CCT between tributary crossings

CCT crosses tributary near Lake Accotink Park office

CCT merges with park maintenance road

CCT below dam parking area

CCT meets parking area at dam

Contact Friends of Accotink Creek, E-mail.

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