Wakefield Run
Stream Restoration Project

September 14, 2019

Follow the progress as Wakefield Run gets a healthy habitat makeover.


This photo set is the last in the 5-year monitoring period connected with the 2013-2014 stream restoration project.

When the restoration of Wakefield Run was completed in 2014, we undertook to evaluate it for five years. The results are a mixture.

  • The stream bed is largely stable, but the stream shows signs of going its own way.
  • The vegetation planted along the banks is flourishing.
  • The trees planted at further distance from the stream have not fared particularly well.
  • While we do see a change in the diversity of macroinvertebrate life, the numeric scores have remained in the unacceptable range.
  • Fish have recolonized the stream, but not in the numbers that were present before.
Photo Checkpoint 1 - Mouth of Wakefield Run
Wakefield Run, September 14, 2019
Photo Checkpoint 2 - Beneath Cross County Trail bridge
Wakefield Run, September 14, 2019
Photo Checkpoint 3 - Rock vane
Wakefield Run, September 14, 2019
Photo Checkpoint 4 - Next rock vane (north wall)
Wakefield Run, September 14, 2019
Photo Checkpoint 5 - Boulder on south bank
Wakefield Run, September 14, 2019
Photo Checkpoint 6 - Next boulder on south bank
Wakefield Run, September 14, 2019
Photo Checkpoint 7 - Second root wad
Wakefield Run, September 14, 2019
Photo Checkpoint 8 - Second root wad
Wakefield Run, September 14, 2019
Photo Checkpoint 9 - Second root wad
Wakefield Run, September 14, 2019
Photo Checkpoint 10 - Rock channel below plunge pool
Wakefield Run, September 14, 2019
Photo Checkpoint 11 - Atop I-495 culvert, facing downstream
Wakefield Run, September 14, 2019