A Stream By Any Other Name

History, Ecology, Geography, Community

Thank you to everyone who suggested a name for this small tributary to Accotink Creek! Congratulations to Don Waye for the winning suggestion, WAKEFIELD RUN, chosen to capture and build on the identity of the community focal point that is Wakefield Park.

Wakefield Run starts beside Braddock Elementary School in Annandale, then flows under the Beltway to join Accotink Creek in Wakefield Park. Like many creeks surrounded by houses and roads, Wakefield Run has problems. Stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces overwhelms the stream when it rains, eroding and cutting the banks. All the sediment created smothers many of the small aquatic creatures that live in streams and provide food for fish. Stormwater runoff also carries much trash into the stream, along with other pollutants.

Come see Wakefield Run. Be inspired. Find it on the map here.

Read the story as described by the Northern Virginia Soil & Water Conservation District .
Also be sure to check out the great Annandale Blog article detailing all the thoughtful nominations that each had their merits and justifications, but finally had to be narrowed down to one.
Thank you, Annandale Blog!

Wakefield Run in the woods near the Cross County Trail, before it joins Accotink Creek

Farther upstream, there are no trees where Wakefield Run flows beneath electric transmisson lines. Observe the deeply eroded banks.

Here Wakefield Run emerges after flowing under the Beltway. All this stone was an attempt to reinfoce the stream banks, but it needs to be done better. All the trees above the culvert were cut down to make room for the 495 Express Lanes project.

Contact Friends of Accotink Creek, E-mail.