Friends of Accotink Creek cooperates with
Tivoli Condominiums
April 29, 2006

The weather cooperated April 29, 2006, with a sunny spring day for storm drain marking by Friends of Accotink Creek and Tivoli Community. Our team of volunteers marked all the storm drains in The Tivoli Condominiums community, near Lake Accotink Park. Marking storm drains in our watershed reminds us what gets into our storm drains goes directly into Accotink Creek or its tributaries.

Volunteers Cindy Palladino and Philip Latasa applying adhesive to a marker.

Terri Caberio skillfully pressing a marker into place.

A marker with adhesive applied, ready to go.

Volunteers Terri Caberio, Cindy Palladino, Harriet Johnson, and Philip Latasa
complete a successful morning of storm drain marking.

The end result, an enduring reminder to community members
that safeguarding our watershed begins at our front doors.