Ted Plunkett describes his cleanup efforts
December 2006 - January 2007

Ted Plunkett, User of Accotink Creek Trails, decided he saw too much trash along the trails and stream so he spend Dec 2006 and Jan 2007 cleaning up Americana and Wakefield Parks for everyone to enjoy. Following is an e-mail from Ted with photos of his cleanup effort.

Hi Duane, I ran across the FAcC homepage while surfing the net about Accotink creek. I noted that there are organized cleanups at Accotink and other creeks and there seems to be an interest in documenting the volume and type of garbage that is picked up. In light of that, thought you/FAcC might be interested to know that I recently spent the last two months cleaning up the section of Accotink creek between Little River Turnpike (Rte 236) and Braddock Rd (Rte 620) - Americana and Wakefield Park.

While I would like to give you an accurate bag count, my early efforts consisted of using a large trash can that was repeatedly filled and then dumped in an area for the county to pickup (they did).

As time went by I got a little smarter and I asked for and received trash bags from the county. So I can tell you that I filled approximately 24 trash bags, collected 14 tires, one motorcycle frame, one kid bike, one dishwasher door, one washing machine top, one roof to a outdoor kid house, one grocery cart, one kid sled, several rugs/clothing, and I don't know how many trash cans full of garbage.

BTW, thanks for your/FAcC efforts in keeping the creek clean.

Ted Plunkett User of Accotink Creek Trails

Feb 2007