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Storm Drain Marking - March 18, 2006

A joint effort by Friends of Accotink Creek and Friends of Accotink resulted in 28 storm drains being marked at Lake Accotink Park and Audrey Moore RECenter at Wakefield Park in just under three hours. Approximately 25 Educational flyers were handed out and explained Non-Point Source polluton to the team and individuals who came near while the team was marking drains in the parks. Additional educational flyers were left on display at the parks. The storm drain markings were placed in areas frequented by Park visitors, which is expected to reach a large audience; about 500,000 people visit the Audrey Moore RECenter at Wakefield Park each year.

Julie Tahan, Assistant Manager, Lake Accotink Park, explains events at Lake Accotink park in the warm meeting room where we registered and discussed the storm drain marking project. The team consisted of Deborah Reyher, Penny Firth and son, Robin Firth of Friends of Accotink, Vienna, VA;
Philip Latasa and Duane Murphy of Friends of Accotink Creek, Springfield, VA;
and volunteers Katherine Brierly and son Ian Brierly, and Peter Kuch of Springfield, VA.

After what the boys considered a much too long discussion of Non-Point Source Pollution, the watershed and the impact we each have on it, we learned how to apply the epoxy and mark the drains, as demonstrated by Philip.

We checked the temperature, which was 50 degrees, but the breeze made it feel much cooler.
Philip distributes gloves and tools to prepare and mark our first storm drain
just south of the RR Trestle in Lake Accotink Park.

With the third maker applied, just south of the Lake Accotink dam,
we pause for a photo of a perfectly marked drain.

Close-up of a perfectly marked drain!