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Neighbors visit Stafford West
June 2, 2007

Neighbors of Stafford West joined Chris Jones and Ann Powel who assessed Stafford West for its natural lab/ classroom features.
What a day with birds singing and the discovery of a ditch that drained this area into the headwaters of Accotink Creek and Chesapeake Bay!

What a great day for visting Stafford West, a natural oasis the Fairfax City citizens
want to preserve for all, including the Fairfax Police Youth Club (FPYC) athletes, to enjoy and learn about nature for many generations!

Can you imagine our shock to see a huge ditch that drained the area!

Looking into the deep drainage ditch from the ridge line.

View of drainage ditch from Accotink Creek side of ridge.

View from drainage ditch looking north and down toward Accotink Creek.

We wondered how long the dirt has been pliled around the tree.

View of the drained area that still has rushes and other wetland grasses!
The red tape marks the edge of the planned soccer field that will totally cover the meadow.

City of Fairfax decided on June 12, 2007, to build an athletic field and a parking lot in a meadow and vernal pool area of about four acres, but saved about 380 mature trees on a 14-acre pristine bird and wildlife habitat/ marsh-like lands near the banks of Accotink Creek.

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