Nottoway Park Master Plan Amendment
Public Comment Meeting
October 17, 2012

Lend a hand to the Friends of Nottoway Park in the northern Accotink Creek headwaters
All attendees at the October 17th public meeting - members of the public, elected officials, and and Park Authority staff were in favor of preserving the woodlands. Help make sure it happens by sending written comments by November 16th!

From: Vivian Morgan-Mendez
Date: Sep 26, 2012
Subject: Nottoway Park Master Plan Amendment Public Comment Meeting: 10/17/2012

Dear Friends of Nottoway Park,

It is finally happening!!! Today the sign advertising the public comment meeting to amend the Master Plan went up at the main Nottoway entrance. In short, if the amendment is approved, the woods will remain intact and a regulation size soccer field will replace existing Field #4. Losing some open play area adjacent to Field #4 is a trade off but a small loss compared to: (a) losing part of the woodlands and (2) the environmental damage associated with building a field in an area that channels storm water from higher elevations adjacent to the park and through the woods to Accotink. This is win-win for everyone who loves and uses the park.

We must pack the Hunter House with supporters, including speakers, in favor of the amended plan. Please contact your friends and neighbors now. Written comments are also important. Remember to include contact information when submitting written comments. If you are part of an HOA or neighborhood association, please urge your organization to speak and/or submit written comments, mentioning the number of households represented. You may wish to copy Supervisor Linda Smyth on written comments.

Information on the proposed changes in the Conceptual Development Plan, the public meeting and the written comment period is at Nottoway Information

Thank you and see you at the Hunter House on Oct. 17th at 7 pm.

Vivian Morgan-Mendez
Friends of Nottoway