Flora and Fauna
of Accotink Creek

We present links to excellent resources on flora and fauna typically found in the Accotink Creek watershed, courtesy of a variety of nearby friends of Nature.
Friends of Accotink Creek:     Freshwater Mussel Survey
Friends of Sligo Creek:     Plants     Animals
Island Creek Elementary School (excellent!):     Organisms     Ecology
Hidden Pond Nature Center:     Nature Almanac
Prince William Conservation Alliance:     Wildlife
Virginia Herpetological Society:     Amphibians     Reptiles
Fairfax County Stormwater Planning:     Fishes of Fairfax
Virginia Tech:     Virtual Aquarium
Flora of Virginia Project:     Plant Atlas
Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries:     Wildlife Species     Frog and Toad Survey
Maryland Department of Natural Resources:     Stream Life
Thomas Kinder Photo Galleries:     Lake Accotink Park
Paula Sullivan Photo Galleries:     Wildlife
Fritz Flohr Reynolds Photo Galleries:     Flora
Bird 'n Sky Photo Blog:     Accotink Bay     Eagles
Plant NOVA Natives:     Native Plants     Plant Finder
Fairfax County:     Field Guide to Plants and Wildlife
Ellanor C. Lawrence Park:     Wildlife Videos
Fairfax County Park Authority:     Nature Guides
Friends of Little Bennett Park:     Vegetation     Wildlife
Butterflies and Moths of North America:     Lepidoptera
Choose Natives:     Native Gardening for Northern Virginia
Beyond the Backyard     Niches for Natives