A Happy Dad and Squealing 3-year old son
Trout Fishing at Accotink Creek
May 5, 2007

Father and son trout fishing along Accotink Creek have a fun day filled with casting and catching fish stocked on 30 April 2007 by Northern VA Trout Unlimited and VA Department of Game and Inland Fisheries.

What a great day for introducing a son to trout fishing at Accotink Creek!

What a great day for introducing a three-year old to trout fishing at Accotink Creek!

Dad has one, got the net!

Dad's Brown Trout! Son is thrilled and studies the fish -- "This is fun!"

A Rainbow! Dad is happy! Son is wondering what's next.

Oh,oh! Fish slime!

Fish is happy to be in the water again!

Dad, this is fun. Hurry up and catch the next one!