2006 International Coastal Cleanup

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As part of the 2006 International Coastal Cleanup on Sept. 16 and 30, Friends of Accotink Creek removed 98 bags of trash and 31 tires from sections of the creek stretching from Fairfax City to Ft. Belvoir. Odd items as diverse as a pickup truck tailgate, a patio table, and a riflescope also turned up. Sadly, this hardly makes a dent in the accumulations of trash in Accotink Creek.

We observed a construction site on Alban Road encroaching on the stream. This violation was reported and at least some corrective action taken.

We discovered a tire and office furniture dump along the water main right of way leading from Telegraph Square Drive to Accotink Creek. This location has been reported and needs follow-up to ensure action.

When we revisited a known tire dump off Ward Park Lane along a small tributary of Accotink Creek, we found the situation is dire. Despite promises by the business owner last March, nothing has been cleaned up. It appears that fresh dumping continues and now includes half-empty motor oil containers and even a biohazard waste bin. This time, enforcement is a must!

Watch the Friends of Accotink Creek calendar for upcoming cleanup events. The cleanup continues year-round by gently reminding others to dispose of their own trash responsibly.

Construction activity on Alban Road too close to creek banks

This construction entrance has now been moved farther from creek

Accotink Creek's picturesque gorge at Fullerton Road is much abused by dumping

Impressive graffiti mural under Fullerton Road bridge above piles of broken beer bottles