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Accotink Creek Cleanup - February 6, 2006

The GW Community School
Alexa Warden, Director

Our school is preparing for ongoing participation with and commitment to this project - we are not looking at this as a one-time volunteer event.

Fairfax County schools are on Spring Break during the week of the 8th, so we will not be able to participate in Alice Ferguson event. However, we are getting started as soon as possible, so 6 Feb 06 is Monday - why wait?

Alexa Warden kicks off the trash hunt; "Here's the plan! Find all the trash and put it in the black bags. Then we will fill up the dumpster. You're all leaders! Lead the trash to the dumpster! It's cold, it's late, so get mov'n! Question? We're not in class here - improvise and don't get hurt - stay away from those who will hurt you, including the snakes, and look at what I'm holding - it's what poison ivy looks like in its various forms.
We don't want you being itchy tomorrow!"

I wondered where the dog had dragged that? Should have looked for it before now.
It's too big for the trash bag. Drop it and go get the dog to drag it back.
You, don't just standing there looking at me - go get the dog and a rope!

Trash, what trash? Do you see me? Oh, there's trash hanging in the tree, see?

Now, for all you who have not yet found trash, look!
Here is what I'm talking about - no, I'm not talking trash, I'm holding it!

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