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Accotink Creek Cleanup - February 6, 2006

The GW Community School
Alexa Warden,Director

Do I have to pick it up? It won't fit into the bag. Can I get a bigger bag? But, my white gloves will get dirty! How much longer before we can go home? Not, don't hit me with the hose, again!

Is there any trash in here? Let's go up there and clean out their garbage cans so we can fill up our bags!
Think anybody would see us? But, the ditch is too deep. Now what?

Okay, that's one bag! Go get ten more! Where's your glove?

Now, let's inspect your gloves! Are they dirty? Who else used their glove? Oh, here's one more white bag! You can't see my gloves or my bag! It's cold out here! Sorry, I lost the other glove, but I used it as a bag - that's two now! I thought you said twelve bags? Can we go home now?
Okay, but smile; we're doing this again 1 April, no fool'n!

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