Americana Asphalt

The troubled project to pave the Cross County Trail in Americana Park.

After much delay, the Cross County Trail paving project in Americana Park is a fait accompli.

Having become flooded soon after work began, the site spent months alternately as a swamp or a skating rink while work was halted. Irony of ironies, this predictable condition diverted most CCT traffic onto the existing paved driveway which Friends of Accotink Creek had advocated as a cost-free no-impact alternative to trail paving at this spot.

So another bit of green in the Accotink Creek watershed has slipped sadly under the ever-spreading asphalt, never to be seen again. Is this still what we call "progress"? The site now awaits the hand of Stormwater Planning Division to install the adjacent wetland meadow watershed project they propose for this location, perhaps this spring. - February 5, 2014

Some background on this project.

And right back to being underwater.
Americana Park trail project, February 5, 2014
The deed is done. Contractor caught enough dry weather to lay pavement.
Americana Park trail project, January 31, 2014
Swamp - Americana Park trail project, January 16, 2014
Skating rink - Americana Park trail project, January 8, 2014
Swamp - Americana Park trail project, January 2, 2014
Half frozen - Americana Park trail project, December 26, 2013
Skating Rink - Americana Park trail project, December 11, 2013
Swamp - Americana Park trail project, November 27, 2013

Contact Friends of Accotink Creek.