Americana Drive Cleanups

Presidents Day Cleanup - February 17, 2025


On Presidents Day a group of 43 volunteers turned out to address the chronic problem of dumping and heavy littering along Americana Drive. We had feared the worst, with snowfall a few days prior and steady rain yesterday, but conditions were tolerable, if also muddy. Temperatures only rose into the mid 30's, though, and gusting winds threatened to blow our tent away. As usual, the project was in cooperation with the Fairfax County Restoration Project. We were also supported by The Vistas apartments. We were also pleased to be joined by Director of Fairfax County Public Works, Chris Herrington.

We were joined by groups from Team Rubicon, Northern Virginia Ethical Society, the Prince of Peace Church Youth Group, and members of a kindred watershed group from across the Potomac, the Muddy Branch Alliance.

Operation Stream Shield, a Fairfax County work program for shelter residents, makes our task easier by making regular visits to clean along Americana Drive. Unfortunately, the dumpers and litterbugs are at work 24/7.

In three hours of work, the volunteers removed 125 bags, 7 tires, 2 heavy machine tires, 5 5-gallon motor oil containers, 20 5-quart motor oil containers, 1 bottle jack, 1 TV, 2 5-gallon paint containers, 2 1-gallon paint containers, 2 mattresses, 1 sofa, 1 toilet, 1 baby stroller, 1 wheeled carry-on,, 2 5-gallon drywall compound containers, 1 shopping cart, 1 snow sled, 1 auto bumper, 1 1-gallon coolant container, 1 5-gallon cooking oil container, 1 1-gallon lacquer thinner container. and a guesstimated total of 1.5 tons of miscellaneous debris.

Drill, baby, drill? We struck oil today on Americana Drive, finding 50 gallons. 😞

Cleanup Photos
More cleanup photos on Shutterfly

Read about our earlier cleanups

Illegal Dumping Resolution - February 4, 2025

Supervisors Walkinshaw and McKay presented a joint resolution to the Board of Supervisors asking the County Executive to review the EQAC memorandum on illegal dumping and report back to the Board by the end of fiscal year 2025. Supervisor Walkinshaw also asked that the report propose any new strategies that could help mitigate illegal dumping.

Thank you to everyone who contacted the Board of Supervisors in support of the resolution!

Video of resolution introduction at the Board Meeting

VDOT Northern Virginia Adopt-a-Highway Map