Turtle Rescue 2024

Come watch and learn at the Turtle Rescue!

An estimated population of 500 turtles live in Ashby Pond in Fairfax City. The pond is due to be drained and dredged in fall of 2024.

The turtles will be trapped and relocated beginning July 5th until approximately July 25th. Everyone is welcome to observe, discuss, and learn, daily from 10:00 AM for 2 -3 hours, depending on number of turtles trapped. A few helpers are needed each day to carry turtles. Get in touch if you are available.

More rescues! - Join our native plant rescues, most Fridays until fall, other days by arrangements. Ferns, wildflowers, shrubs, sedges, and small trees need new homes before the bulldozers roll. Check our calendar

Ashby Pond