Flag Run Water Main Breaks 2024

A double whammy of sediment for Lake Accotink

The Fairfax Water Breaks & Leaks Dashboard shows recent incidents
Each "X" on the map represents more sediment heading for Lake Accotink

December 4, 2024:
Water main breaks are not the biggest source of sediment in Accotink Creek and Lake Accotink, but they occur with alarming frequency. Each break creates a crater and sends a load of fine clay sediment down storm drains directly into the nearest stream, where it smothers aquatic life.

On December 3rd, two such breaks occurred in the Flag Run watershed. Flag Run enters Lake Accotink at the marina. With the current ongoing dredging challenge, the last thing needed is more sediment in the lake.

An alert neighbor observed the discolored state of the water in Flag Run and used our Watershed 911 page to report the situation to Fairfax County.

Flag Run is opaque with sediment the day after two water main breaks

The next day, the water is clear, but a heavy coating of fresh sediment remains

Oil in the water may be associated with the water main breaks