Accotink Gravity Sewer

The Accotink Gravity Sewer - a seemingly irresistible force aiming at our watershed.

The Accotink Gravity Sewer is proposed to run the entire length of the Hunters Branch tributary from Nottoway Park to the junction with Accotink Creek in Eakin Park. It would install an entirely new sewer line parallel to the multiple existing lines. The damage to the woods and wetlands along Hunters Branch would likely be extensive.

Does this presentation slide show what the Accotink Gravity Sewer will bring to Hunters Branch?

Update - January 29, 2025:
Fairfax County issued an Invitation to Apply for Pre-Qualification for this project. The shadow of devastation grows near, but no work is likely to begin before next winter, as far as we can tell.

Update - June 11, 2024:
The 95% plan for the Accotink Gravity Sewer along the Hunters Branch tributary has been released and it is as bad as feared. The project has also at long last responded to our 2022 list of queries and the responses basically show indifference to prevention of environmental impacts beyond what is legally required.

Some of the more objectionable parts of the plan are:

  • A 25’ to 50’ wide path cleared through the forest and Resource Protection Areas along the length of the Hunter’s Branch tributary
  • Deviation from current sewer path for a substantial part of the route, though it’s not clear how much additional clearing that deviation would cause
  • Four new maintenance entryways, each requiring additional clearing
  • Apparent plans to use pavers on the surface of the route, or at least at entryways
  • Wiping out most of the Accotink Trail IMA site and vernal pool, with vague reference to replacement.
Most of the problems are south of the Vienna Metro. Upstream from the Metro, the route is mostly through mowed and paved areas.

Fairfax County Accotink Gravity Sewer Website