University Mall Salt Storage 2022

Here is an example of how NOT to store winter salt. The location is not in the Accotink Creek watershed, but rather it is affecting neighboring Pohick Creek.

Winter salt runoff causes identified harms to aquatic wildlife and increasingly threatens drinking water supplies, as described in the the 2017 Accotink Creek Chloride TMDL.

A Winter Salt Management Toolkit: (Summary - Full Toolkit) has been produced by the Salt Management Strategy. The Toolkit is a set of voluntary recommendations for VDOT, local jurisdictions, and private property owners. Someone at University Mall did not read it carefully enough.

Learn more about citizen monitoring of salt contamination of streams with Winter Salt Watch

Salt-sand mixture is only partially covered and exposed to precipitation.

Salt-sand mixture is only partially covered and exposed to precipitation.

Salt-sand mixture is only partially covered and exposed to precipitation.

The salt is dissolving and running off.

Running down the gutter...

...and on its way to Pohick Creek.