Follow the Water 2022

School Programs to Know and Benefit the Watershed

Follow the Water @ Canterbury Woods Elementary

April 29, 2022
Thanks to everyone who made possible the "Follow the Water" program at Canterbury Woods Elementary! Faculty took the lead, while Stormwater Planning Division, AAAS STEM Volunteer program, and Friends of Long Branch provided their much-appreciated expertise, and Friends of Accotink Creek played a supporting role. Thanks also to the students for their interest and enthusiasm.

"Follow the Water" allows us to take the time to go deep on the topic, starting with a classroom presentation, then a campus stormwater survey, a watershed walk along the stream, and stream monitoring.

Our note from the teacher:
I just wanted to give you all a HUGE thank you for doing this event with my class. They said it was the best day of learning. Here are some of their comments of joy:

  • Organisms are cool. Now I can see the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates
  • Instead of just watching a video we actually got to touch things
  • I never realized the stream was so full of life
  • I now know its pretty good condition but I want to make it better
  • I saw new animals I never knew existed
  • 2 thumbs up
  • I loved seeing what was in the creek, it was really cool
  • I loved talking to EXPERTS
  • Depending on the bags, it affected what you caught
  • Now I want to learn about what is happening to make the difference between sensitive and tolerant

Students gather around the whiteboard to tally all the invertebrates observed

Follow the Water of Earlier Years