Americana Drive Cleanup
Presidents Day, February 21, 2022


Thank you, Supervisor Walkinshaw, for joining the cleanup!

On Presidents Day a group of 50+ volunteers turned out to address the chronic problem of dumping and heavy littering along Americana Drive. We had an excellent day for working outdoors, with partly cloudy skies and temperatures rising into the mid 60's. As usual, the project was in cooperation with the Fairfax County Restoration Project. We were also supported by Facets, and by The Operation Stream Shield, a Fairfax County work program for shelter residents, makes our task easier by making regular visits to clean along Americana Drive, and had been there just a few days prior. Unfortunately, the dumpers and litterbugs are at work 24/7.

Discarded construction materials new and used are a major element of the items dumped along Americana Drive, tossed away as a matter of convenience by the operators of the many commercial vehicles that park here. We removed enough lumber, masonry block and discarded carpet for a home remodeling project.

In three hours of work, the volunteers removed 191 bags of trash, 19 tires, and perhaps over 1000 pounds of loose debris. There is still so much more out there. Our more notable finds today included a one-gallon container of used motor oil, an empty gasoline can, mattresses, a large flat-screen TV, a toilet, and a table saw table.

Our most unusual find was a purse containing phone, driver's license, and credit cards. We called the police to collect it and return it to its owner.

More cleanup pictures on Shutterfly
Annandale Today article
Read about our last cleanup

VDOT provied large electronic signs to warn drivers of the cleanup in progress.