Virginia Legislation

Urge your legislators to vote for conservation in the Virginia General Assembly!

The 2021 Virginia General Assembly is providing a such a bounty of environmental bills one can hardly keep up. The Friends of Accotink Creek urge everyone to support bills that are most relevant to protecting our waters.

Our most current list of bills
and ways to be heard

Read the text of the bills and track their progress using the guide ↓ below ↓ provided by our friends in Litter Free Virginia

Find your Virginia legislators HERE, and let them know you support these environmental bills.

Last year the General Aseembly passed plastic bag tax enabling legislation. Now we need to ask our local elected officials to enact ordinances to make the five cent tax a reality. Contact your Fairfax County supervisor , and let them know you want them to follow through on a plastic bag tax for a cleaner future for Accotink Creek.

Our allied group Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy has a splendidly organised 2021 legislation page.

Let's get the bags out of Accotink Creek!