2021 Americana Drive Cleanup
Thank you for your support, Supervisor Walkinshaw! On Veterans Day a group of 26 volunteers turned out to address the chronic problem of dumping and heavy littering along Americana Drive. We had an excellent day for working outdoors, with partly cloudy skies and temperatures rising through the 60's. As usual, the project was in cooperation with the Fairfax County Restoration Project. We were also supported by Facets, and by The Vistas apartments, with their large contingent of volunteers. We were also pleased to be joined by Braddock District Supervisor James Walkinshaw and Planning Commissioner Mary Cortina. Operation Stream Shield, a Fairfax County work program for shelter residents, makes our task easier by making regular visits to clean along Americana Drive, and had been there just the previous day. Unfortunately, the dumpers and litterbugs are at work 24/7. Discarded construction materials new and used are a major element of the items dumped along Americana Drive, tossed away as a matter of convenience by the operators of the many commercial vehicles that park here. In three hours of work, the volunteers removed 119 bags of trash, a half-dozen tires, and an estimated 600 pounds of loose debris. Our more notable finds today included three one-gallon containers of used motor oil, a five-gallon container of cooking oil, a mattress, a fishing rod, a desktop monitor, a weed whacker, a gas grill, a toilet, an engine block, a truck battery, a vacuum cleaner, and a fire extinguisher. One unusual find was a large bag of clothing in good condition, which we will wash and donate. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!
"Su vecindario Sin basura" - "Your neighborhood Without trash" These little pleas for community pride have appeared along Americana Drive. Sadly, they are lost on the shameless individuals who seem to have no pride in their community or in themselves.
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