Wakefield Run
Stream Restoration Project

Tested by high water - April 30, 2014

Follow the progress as Wakefield Run gets a healthy habitat makeover.
Accotink Creek backs up at the mouth of Wakefield Run
Wakefield Run, April 30, 2014
Water is high, but we missed getting photos at the peak, when it was over the banks.
Wakefield Run, April 30, 2014
Possible erosion issues developing near armored crossing
Wakefield Run, April 30, 2014
High water
Wakefield Run, April 30, 2014
Mountain bike group has begun trail rerouting
Wakefield Run, April 30, 2014
Access road still has issues
Wakefield Run, April 30, 2014
Access road still has issues
Wakefield Run, April 30, 2014
Access road still has issues
Wakefield Run, April 30, 2014

Contact Friends of Accotink Creek.