Eroding Sanitary Sewer

A resident of Perth Court in Springfield contacted Friends of Accotink Creek for assistance getting action regarding severe erosion along a tributary that threatened a sanitary sewer manhole. After contacting the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services, and providing photos, inspectors visited the site. The inspectors determined the issue required action to prevent damage that might result in sewage contamination of the stream. As remediation, the manhole was reinforced with riprap stones. - April, 2014

Sanitary sewer diagram with manhole circled in yellow
Erosion had cut around the manhole and exposed the pipe.
Riprap stones provide reinforcement.
Unfortunately, crews cut a path through the woods for access.
Typical erosion issues on same stream: Failing concrete channel
Typical erosion issues on same stream: Downspouts improperly directed to stream
Typical erosion issues on same stream: Hanging drainage channel

Contact Friends of Accotink Creek.