Nazi Nitwits Defeated in
Americana Park

With a generous donation of funds and volunteers, the North Face Tysons store teamed with Friends of Accotink Creek and Northern Virginia Trout Unlimited to repair the Americana Park information kiosk, enabling replacement of the front and back Plexiglas that had been defaced or destroyed by acts of antisocial vandalism.

North Face volunteers work on repairs, June 23, 2014.
North Face volunteers employ "Yankee" screwdrivers for repairs.
North Face volunteers and the completed repairs.
Grateful thanks to The North Face!

Read the story of the original vandalism below.

           Disgraceful acts of vandalism along Accotink Creek

On or about April 15, 2014, vandals painted swastikas on signs in Americana Park, broke the glass on the sign kiosk, painted more swastikas on the CCT north of Americana Park, and finished with more swastikas and anti-Semitic slogans on the 236 overpass next to the CCT.

Thankfully, after Friends of Accotink Creek reported the damage, the Park Authority acted within a day to remove or paint over everything.

Coverage in the Annandale Blog           More photos

The sign kiosk in Americana Park and our Adopt-A-Stream sign were targets.

Contact Friends of Accotink Creek.