8211 Little River Turnpike

Careless Construction Yields Erosion and Sediment

Images from April and October 2018, showing a large-scale land disturbance.

Apparently the property owners have gone far beyond what they were allowed to do (land disturbance went from 2,600 square feet to 26,000!). A downstream neighbor now gets flooded with very silty water when it rains. From our understanding, the County is treating this seriously, and the owner will be held responsible for what could be substantial mitigation/remediation costs. The property owner apparently continued working after a stop-work order was issued.

Apparently this is under investigation by Fairfax County Land Development Services' Site Development and Inspections Division, and has had several issues over the years:

  • No Approved Plan/Permit 10/05/2018
  • Unpermitted Construction 05/01/2019
  • Resource Protected Area 05/07/2019
FACC/FCRP reported construction-related erosion & sediment control issues at 8211 Little River Turnpike to Land Development Services in October 2018, which they followed up on.

This is a good illustration of the challenges/issues that we're facing in the watershed. From an outreach perspective, this provides a good model for communities, in terms of identifying and reporting construction-related disturbances. It's also an opportunity to evaluate Fairfax's oversight and enforcement process.

Lastly, 8211 Little River Turnpike is adjacent to 4104 Woodlark Drive. It's kind of fascinating to me that during the investigation of one site (4104 Woodlark), FACC has identified:

  • Erosion-related structural threat to Little River Turnpike requiring immediate action by VDOT
  • Illegal construction activity at 8211 Little River Turnpike
  • Precedent-setting RPA encroachment issue at 4104 Woodlark
  • Anachronistic legacy of "Caucasians Only" clause in deed covenants
All within one block! -- July 2019

Muddy runoff onto neighboring property