INOVA Development Issues
FACC Helping Holmes Run

A major development impacts a neighboring watershed

October 17, 2019:
FACC, INOVA, Friends of Holmes Run, and a number of other participating organizations and neighbors again toured the preservation areas of the INOVA project site, a promising step toward continued community engagement with INOVA on environmental issues. Memo describing tour

August 27, 2019:
FACC, INOVA, Friends of Holmes Run, and Northern Virginia Soil & Water Conservation District toured the preservation areas of the INOVA project site. Memo describing tour

March 21, 2019:
INOVA sends another gift downstream to Holmes Run, this time in the form of a diesel fuel spill.
Annandale Blog Oil Spill Coverage
Friends of Accotink Creek Oil Spill Follow-up
January 8, 2019:
FACC, INOVA and a number of associated and interested parties came together at the INOVA offices of the soon-to-be Schlar Cancer Center to hash over the issues raised regarding erosion and sediment controls. An interesting experience it was, indeed. Memo describing meeting
December 11, 2018:
Kris addressed the Merrifield Suburban Center Study Task Force, covering the erosion and sediment controls reported at INOVA and appealing for an onsite meeting. Comments here
October 6, 2018:
Kris visited the INOVA campus construction area and witnessed an unidentified discharge of black water. Using our Watershed 911 page, he reported the incident and the Fairfax County Fire Department responded within the hour. Unfortunately, the discharge had stopped by the time they arrived and it remains a mystery.

However, Kris also found a number of erosion and sediment control failures which he also reported. County Land Use Services responded and issued the typical less-than-impressive orders for the contractor to begin doing what they were legally required to have been doing all along – no penalties. This was reported in the Annandale Blog with much community comment, prompting the County to issue a rebuttal in the Blog .

Finding the county rebuttal to be most unsatisfactory, Kris pointed this out, again in the Annandale Blog .

All this is on the Holmes Run side of the INOVA site. Sadly, Holmes Run lacks a "Friends" group of its own. p It is worth noting that the construction company was quick to set up one line of defense with no prompting from county inspectors - a phalanx of "NO TRESPASSING" signs now surrounds the construction area. This is on an open medical campus visited daily by hundreds of members of the public - there is only one class of persons not welcome - those who will report the environmental misdeeds to be plainly seen there.

Here is a summary of documentation by the Friends of Accotink Creek:
11/06/18 - Sediment pollution during rain event, and inadequate sediment control measures

11/03/18 - More sediment pollution from rain event, and inadequate sediment control measures

10/28/18 - Sediment pollution from rain event, and inadequate sediment control measures

10/12/18 - Documented active sediment pollution

10/6/18 - Pictures and video from the initial investigation

Every bit of land doesn't need to be developed

Before citizen report - Neglected silt fence filled beyond capacity, overflowing sediment into stream

After citizen report - Sediment excavated, catchment area reinforced